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2022年09月30日 09:30  点击:[]

9月28日晚,企业管理系在线进行了一场学术分享会议。本次学术会议的主讲人是赵江副教授,汇报题目为:Distinct role of Internet-based targeted persuasive advertising versus mass advertising on competing firms with distinctive qualities: anchoring or not?

赵江副教授从五个方面讲述了这篇文章:1、Research Background;2、Main Questions;3、Model Setup;4、Results;5、Discussions。他通过模型的建立和公式推导,得出了一个非常有意思的结果:When the firm producing a product with a high quality competes with a rival firm with low quality, the firm with high quality will always have a driving force to enhance its perceived quality by sending persuasive advertising to consumers. However, the rival firm with low quality will still set its perceived quality of the consumers equal to a fixed ratio of 4/7, anchoring to the firm with high perceived quality.


文字:李小明  编辑:姚梦懿  审核:丁志刚

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