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2018年06月20日 16:57  点击:[]

6月19日晚上,1991cc金沙在国际班教室进行了第二届跨境数字营销项目总结汇报会,学生用英文汇报了为期1个多月进行的跨境数字营销项目成果,该项目的指导教师是来自美国苏必利尔湖州立大学的Ralf Wilhelms教授。






Students at Shaoxing University completedtheseconddigital marketingcertificate program offered in the Zhejiang Province. Students learned theessential for all marketing professionals and business people. The DigitalMarketing Certificate Program is designed to provide the students with acomprehensive examination of tactics and strategies across social media, Mobilemarketing and Online analytics aimed at fully leveraging the Internet forachieving business goals such as acquiring, converting, and retaining onlinecustomers.

The digital marketing certificate programtook the learning a step further by providing hands on experience for thestudents. Students were required to establish accounts, run live marketingprojects, evaluating results and realigning strategies to maintain goal focus.Students received money to run the campaigns and were evaluated on the campaignresults in relations to the objectives. This proactive approach allows studentsto inquire and develop real world skills leveraged to revenue growth forcompanies.

The students were guided by Professor Dr.Ralf Wilhelms for Lake Superior State University in Michigan US during theprogram. “It was fantastic to see the students develop new skill sets andapplied data analytics to direct marketing efforts and communications. I amvery proud of our certificate holders and I am sure that they will be an assetto any company in the region.”

The program was made available through theinternational corporation between Shaoxing University School for Business andManagement and Lake Superior State University – Lukenda School of Business. Thecollaboration demonstrates the modern way of preparing our students for careerin the future.

After the students received funding fortheir project they had to integrate key analytics and consumer browsingbehavior into their online marketing efforts and generate more traffic tocompanies’ websites by applying social media, mobile and emerging technologiesto promotions. Students learned to track and measure the online marketingcampaigns using website analytical services.


上一条:金沙官网许钢祥博士在IACMR大会上做英文主题报告 下一条:金沙官网组织硕导及研究生赴绍兴至味食品有限公司参观调研


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