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【科研成果】Reliability assessment of permanent magnet brake based on accelerated bivariate Wiener degradation process

2023年11月08日 09:55  点击:[]

Abstract: Permanent magnet brake (PMB) is a safe and effective braking mechanism used to stop and hold the load in place. Due to its complex structure and high reliability, assessing the reliability of PMB remains a challenge. The main difficulty lies in that there are several performance indicators reflecting the health state of PMB, and they are correlated with each other. In order to assess the reliability of PMB more accurately, a constant stress accelerated degradation test (ADT) is carried out to collect degradation data of two main performance indicators in PMB. An accelerated bivariate Wiener degradation model is proposed to analyse the ADT data. In the proposed model, the relationship between degradation rate and stress levels is described by Arrhenius model, and a common random effect is introduced to describe the unit-to-unit variation and correlation between the two performance indicators. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm is performed to obtain the point and interval estimates of the model parameters. Finally, the proposed model and method are applied to analyse the accelerated degradation data of PMB, and the results show that the reliability of PMB at the used condition can be quantified quite well.


该成果以Reliability assessment of permanent magnet brake based on accelerated bivariate Wiener degradation process”为题,2023年5月刊发于《MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING》杂志,系国家自然科学基金面上项目(72271167)的阶段性成果。

上一条:【科研成果】Research on the masking effect of vertical interlock on ESG greenwashing in the context of sustainable Enterprise development 下一条:【交流调研】温州银行绍兴分行张德民一行来院交流研讨


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